PhD Proposal Writing Workshop
PhD Proposal Writing Workshop 2023
About the Workshop
Participants at the workshop are coached by seasoned researchers and other DAAD and Germany alumni who have successfully completed their research stays in Germany. These workshops, an initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research are also aimed at introducing participants to the vast research landscape of Germany, available funding opportunities as well as ‘how to find a research supervisor’. Interested participants who have attained a masters degree are invited to attend.
Attendance is free-of-charge, however, prior registration is mandatory.
The 2023 edition of the PhD Proposal Writing Workshop is planned to take place in Tamale on 26th and 27th July 2023.
To participate, please use the following Link to register. Please register by the 13th July. We will send out confirmation of participation by 19th of July 2023. You may also visit the DAAD Ghana Events page for other seminars and events.